About Raymond Sewing Research
Learn About Me here.
About Raymond sewing research and antique Raymond Sewing machine. Hello and Welcome to the “About Me” of Raymond Sewing Machine Research Project. Discussion for my mission, process, results, and future. I am Vern Schafer, an antique Raymond sewing machine collector from Canada. I have an extensive history of Charles Raymond to share.
The following chiefly represents years of collecting, observing, and recording. In summary, I cover all periods of Charles Raymond sewing machines produced in the USA and Canada.
My Mission
Raymond Sewing Machine Research Project is the study of antique Raymond sewing machines. This site offers a brief production history of vintage Raymond Sewing Machines between 1857 and 1922. Mainly, I encourage your curiosity to seek and your willingness to share information. In turn, I am happy to share and I can answer questions.

My process.
For years I researched my own antique Raymond sewing machine collection. Little did I know where my curiosity would lead. Ultimately, connecting with hundreds of Raymond sewing machine owners truly paid off over time. Serial numbers provide a structure mainly for the organization of a database. Then, studying observable changes reveal progression and assist identify production history.
Notwithstanding, my hours searching for period advertising and news stories from archives. Next, more hours were spent reading, sorting, and cross-checking to make a connection in some cases. My office wall looked like a crime scene board for a while. Fact-checking past research is a surprisingly time-consuming task. Although, by finding additional sources could I then agree or form my own opinion.
Lastly, two university-level research papers provided small but important and easily overlooked clues.
About Raymond Sewing Machine Research – Collaboration with others.
Most importantly, I engage in information sharing with other respected Canadian researchers and owners. But I have also traveled to museums that hold antique Raymond sewing machine collections. Collaboration is beneficial and I encourage you to contact me with questions.
About Raymond Sewing Machine Reseach – My results
I have an astonishing, 750 + serial numbered and non-serial numbered examples on record. As a result, a near accurate dating guideline for antique Raymond sewing machines. The database is complete with photos and serial numbers where applicable. Additionally, complete with original documents or archive materials as support for accuracy. Past research errors and myths are furthermore corrected. Updated facts now provide the most accurate information to date.
The economy line of sewing machine
Additionally, I identified a secondary sewing machine line of antique Raymond sewing machine. Surprisingly, a connection that no one had understood or made before. Now, there are more than 20 unique labels identified in that group. Again, this forms an extensive database to learn the age, history, and specs of your machine.
Where do we go from here
About Raymond Sewing Research at present. Raymond’s production records or company documents are unfortunately lost. Sadly, these are likely lost forever. These two new databases nearly final but grey areas still exist. For now, I continue to search for surprising new clues. As always, there is room for improvement which I still strive for.
I send out a big thank you to all supporters to date. My progress thus far would be otherwise minimal. Note, this active research project updates regularly. Feel free to check back often.
About Raymond Sewing Research – a reminder
Hopefully, you now know more about Raymond Sewing Research. In summary, please contact me with any info that would again assist identify vintage Raymond sewing machines. Of course, any machine with its original documents or other dated materials is especially of value for research.
Thank you for visiting.
(Last updated February 22, 2021)
75To get started, click the Start Here button below for an explanation to find your serial number and further instructions.
The Guelph Civic Museum, Guelph Ontario has a great archive but also a Raymond sewing machine collection. Consider visiting Guelph Civic Museum soon.